Sorry if I'm breaking my Blog 'mould' here, but this Ebola virus seems to be taking the world by storm. And as I've had so many people come to me (as a therapist) stressed out about the helpless situation they feel they are in, I have no option but to help relieve some of those fears.
First off, if I could ask for anything, I would ask for calm handling of the situation and for sensibilities to take hold instead. Part of calming fears and lowering stress about a situation you feel you have no control over is to understand a little about it, what it can do to you and how you can help to stop it. Obviously, there is no guaranteed, fool-proof way of stopping it altogether. We just need to be sensible about it and try to do the best we can - to help ourselves and those we love.
So, what is it?
- Ebola began in Western Africa.
- It is classed as a Level 4 bio-hazard virus.
- It appears to be prevalent in hot and humid conditions - so deserts are ok, but jungles are not.
- It doesn't like bleach - so keep your house clean.
- It seems to be attacking the blood system - so immune system needs strengthening.
- The idea, at present, is that it spreads through touch (although it's also becoming to be known that it can spread through the air - through sneezing, coughing and yawning - so put your hand over your mouth.)
If you have got it, your symptoms may be a mixture of the following:
- bleeding (vomiting blood, blood in stools/urine/nose, under skin (rash or ulcer type)
- tongue can deepen in colour (purple-ish)
- shaking, heart rate increases, pulse is fast
How do you get it? Basically through doing all the things that we've been doing!
- Not sleeping properly - waking up tired all the time
- Eating processed foods
- Smoking
- Not exercising
What's good to fight it? Basically, not doing all the things we've been doing!
- Eat organic fruits and vegetables
- Drink lots of water
- Get Vitamin D and C inside you, along with Selenium and Zinc - try to get these from plants, rather than vitamin pills!
Food Sources:
Vitamin D = Cod liver oil, sardines, herring, tuna, salmon, dairy products (remember - organic, or buy from farm shops, straight from the source!)
Vitamin C = black currants, potatoes, berries, citrus fruit, cauliflower, tomatoes, leafy green vegetables (those that grow above the ground)
Selenium = tomatoes, onions, broccoli, garlic, seafood, liver, kidney, eggs (a note on eggs, the larger they are, the more they hurt the chicken as they lay them. Do the hen a favour and buy small organic eggs. The harder the shell, the healthier the hen)
Zinc = pumpkin seeds, lentils, eggs, nuts (not salted), oysters, steak and lamb chops (organic meat)
As these herbs are known for anti-viral abilities, they may help - in alphabetical order:
- Black elderberry
- Echinacea
- Ginger root (natural)
If you would like to boost your immune system further, there's a wonderfully tried and tested (by many doctors the world-over) product called Laminine. I have put together a little book all about it, which you can download for FREE from my web site here:
If you'd like to know more 'from the horse's mouth' (so to speak), then click here:
Hopefully, this puts your fears to rest.
Kaye Bewley
By the way, the image is courtesy of Google search as macro photography is a fine art
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