Saturday, 2 November 2013


Autumn is renowned for hustling in changes.  Whipping up winds and throwing thrashing rain down upon the earth, many poor mortals have forgotten what this all means. 


People all over the planet know this is a season that gets us prepared for hunkering down and huddling up.  But while we transition from summer's hot glory through to winter's icy frosts, autumn gives more than a reason to pause for thought.

Many believe this season is the season to change everything.  Many believe that change is in the air and this change will make a difference to everyone's lives.  We are all yearning for something different.  Hope, perhaps?  For a long time now sweeping changes have been in the making, and now they are nearly upon us, some of us wonder what to do.

The recent storms in the UK, though disastrous for many, are mild in comparison to what others have suffered the world over.  And are still suffering. 

Out of these storms, though, arises a renewed vigour.  A chance to see new possibilities and different choices that we can make, a variety of paths lay before us - we just need to ensure we make the right choices.  Not only for our individual lives, or those of our closest families, but for the world as a whole. 

No one living on this planet, today, can deny that big decisions are in the offing.  Important decisions that we are unable to back away from.  Decisions that are going to change the course of humanity.  And the sentient beings that share the world with us.

Let us have hope in our heart that good decisions can be made.  Decisions that will bring changes that are for the betterment of all beings alike.  This is our chance, now, to make a huge difference to our children's future and our present lives.

Before you make that decision with your mind, listen to your heart.  For therein lies the answer.

© 2013 Kaye Bewley Text and Photograph

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